Sepehr Mohamadi Blog

About Me

I am Sepehr Mohamadi!

37 years old, graduated from Communication Engineering course in Iran University of Science and Technology(IUST) , Married and have two girls.

A Truth seeker! And a Submitter to any Truth Mentioned by anyone from anywhere by any religion.

I’m intrested in reading and research about Holy Scriptures, most likely Old and New Testaments and Qur’an.

My focous is basically on the originals. I mean Arabic Qur’an, Hebrew Old Testament and Aramaic New Testament (Known as Peshitta).

I have fluence on Arabic and English languages and also can read and distinguish Hebrew and Aramaic(Syrian) Letters and words.

In this site I publish the results of my researches in different titles.

Hope to have benefit for any truth seeker!

You can wirte to me at:  Sepehr . Mohamadi @ gmail . com

Peace , سلام , ܫܠܡܐ ,  שָׁלוֹם

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Random Scripture Quotes

““And truly I say to you,
you shall by no means see Me
until the time comes
when you say,
‘Blessed is He who is coming
in the Name of Jehovah!’ ”
Luk 13:35”